Bangor City Hall
262 Harlow Street, Bangor, ME 04401


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Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 4:30PM
Popular Links > City Plans > City Plans

City Plans

Airport Master Plan

The airport’s new Master Plan is completed and is awaiting final FAA approval. The airport layout plan (ALP) is the final section requiring FAA approval. An airport master plan is a comprehensive study of an airport and will typically describe short, medium and long term development plans to meet future aviation demand.

Broadband Strategic Plan

The Bangor City Council declared broadband to be essential infrastructure in 2018. Since that time, City staff have been researching models and best practices, and developed a strategic plan that will lead to a request for proposals. Mission Broadband has been retained to assist in the strategic planning process and RFP development.

CDBG Annual Action Plan, 1 year (Page 127)

Climate Action Plan

Comprehensive Plan

The City's Comprehensive Plan process has been completed, and the final version of the plan is available for review.

Economic Strategic Plan

Forest Management Plan

Housing Workgroup Report and Recommendations

Parks & Rec Feasibility Study: Recreation Center and Ice Arena

Parks & Rec Master Plan

Trails Report

Waterfront Master Plan