Bangor City Hall
262 Harlow Street, Bangor, ME 04401


Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 4:30PM
Services > Stormwater > Birch Stream > Birch Stream

Birch Stream 

The watershed of Birch Stream, one of six urban impaired streams in Bangor, covers a large portion of the area off Union Street, including most of the Bangor International Airport.   The watershed area for Birch Stream is approximately 1,800 acres and the natural portion of the stream is a half-mile long. There is a mix of commercial, industrial, and residential development in the watershed.

The water quality of Birch Stream has been assessed by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), and determined not to meeting state water quality standards for aquatic life use. The stream was consequently listed on the State's 303(d) list of impaired waters in 2002.  The cause of impairment has been indicated by Maine DEP to be linked to the high amount of impervious cover in the watershed.

Impervious cover includes hard surfaces such as roads, driveways parking lots, roofs, and sidewalks.  These impervious surfaces cause the rain and snow to run off more quickly than in a vegetated area.  It can also make it easier for pollutants to be transported directly to a stream.


Watershed Management Plan (WMP)

Final Draft, Aug 2010 - This draft of the Birch Stream WMP was approved by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP), but has since lapsed because the plan is older than ten years.   A second draft was created in 2015, but was not accepted by the MDEP. 

The City plans to update the Watershed Management Plan for Birch Stream prior to July 2027.  The plan will include ways to reduce the effects of existing impervious surfaces in the watershed, as well as other ways to reduce pollutants in the watershed.



Stream Corridor Survey Report, March 2010 - A habitat survey and rapid geomorphic assessment of Birch Stream, Arctic Brook, Capehart Brook, and Shaw Brook performed in August 2009.



2018-2019—Bangor International Airport removed unused Taxiway J as well as some unused potion of un-maintained legacy runway.  This reduction in impervious surface in the watershed helps reduce peak flows and temperatures in the stream.

Future Projects—Projects in Birch Stream Watershed will be designated in the upcoming Watershed Management Plan update.




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