Bangor City Hall
262 Harlow Street, Bangor, ME 04401


Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 4:30PM
Departments > Public Health & Community Services > Penobscot County Overdose Response Team

Penobscot County Overdose Response Team

The City of Bangor, Together Place Peer-Run Center, and Community Health & Counseling Services are proud to support the Penobscot County Overdose Response Team. Part of the statewide OPTIONS Program (, the Overdose Response Team provides support, connection, and referral to resources for individuals who are at risk of or have experienced an overdose.

The Penobscot County Overdose Response Team includes a substance use disorder counselor, peer recovery coaches, and a first responder who all work together to provide client-centered support within 72 hours of someone experiencing a non-fatal overdose.

At the City of Bangor, the team works directly with the Bangor Police Department's first responders. In other parts of Penobscot County, they work with police, fire and rescue departments, and other community partners. They collaborate with treatment providers, social services, healthcare, and recovery organizations to ensure that quick referrals are possible, and that harm reduction resources and peer recovery supports are accessible to all.

The team also offers one-hour presentations that includes Narcan training and Support for affected others, including family and friends.

Anyone interested in reaching The Penobscot County Overdose Response Team, please contact the OPTIONS Liaison at 207-991-1162;

For more information about the team or to request a team presentation, please contact Athena Bryce at Bangor Public Health at 207-992-4562;

Printable resource card