Bangor City Hall
262 Harlow Street, Bangor, ME 04401


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Bangor News

7/28/2023 - Eastwood Contractors to Close a Block of State Street July 29th through August 3rd


Eastwood Contractors are working on storm drain replacement and will be crossing State Street this coming week.  Due to the magnitude of this job, Eastwood will be closing the block of State Street from Hancock/Otis to the Emergency Department Entrance next week from 6PM to 6AM Sunday, July 29, through Thursday, August 3. Daytime traffic will be in two directions with lane closures as needed.

Emergency Department access from downtown area on both State Street and Hancock Street should plan on using the detours at all times during the closures. We believe this is more predictable and safer than trying to navigate emergency vehicles through the work zone during active construction.

E.D. From State Street: left onto Fern, right onto Garland, right onto Howard and right onto State Street.

E.D. From Hancock Street: straight across State onto Otis, right onto Garland, right onto Howard and right onto State Street.

Eastwood hopes to be able to complete all night work in one week and go back to working days with lane closures to complete the project.  Due to the magnitude and complexity of this project, this is subject to change.

Please call 989-2530 for questions or concerns.




 The City of Bangor, Maine is a community of 31,129 residents and is the county seat of Penobscot County.  Bangor is the major commercial and cultural center for much of northern and eastern Maine.  The City is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.  For information on City projects and news, see