Bangor News
5/8/2017 - Changes to Setbacks May Assist Homeowners in Adding Porches
The Bangor City Council recently approved an amendment to the land development code which now allows Urban Residence District 1 and Urban Residence District 2 zone properties to build open porches with a 10-foot setback from the front property line whereas prior setback was 20 feet from the front property line.
“Many of Bangor’s older homes could not meet the larger previous setback requirement, and we were regularly having to turn down homeowners who wanted to add porches to their homes,” said Jeremy Martin, Code Enforcement Officer. “The Council’s approval of this change affirms the City’s recognition that porches can be a wonderful addition to homes and helps build a sense of community in neighborhoods. We are pleased to be able to accommodate more of these requests through this change.”
This change applies only to an “open porch,” the definition of which is an unheated, open air deck or stoop attached to a building which may only be enclosed by a roof, and railings not exceeding 42 inches in height above the floor. Open porches may not be enclosed by screens or windows.
Homeowners may determine the zoning of their property through our parcel viewer by visiting:
Homeowners or contractors with questions can call the City’s Code Enforcement Division at 207-992-4230. Permits and approvals are required prior to any porch project, and the City asks that you plan at least 7 days for project review.