Bangor News
12/30/2015 - Christmas Tree Collection Notice
Bangor residents may drop off Christmas trees at Bangor Public Works, 530 Maine Ave. Drop off hours are during daylight hours Monday through Sunday. As part of the City commitment to recycle, the trees will be chipped, with some chips being used as a mulch and erosion control throughout the City. The remainder will be sold as bio mass. Please remove all wire and or metal objects from trees. Residents without means of transportation may place their tree curbside. Curbside collection will begin on Monday, January 4, 2016. Curbside collection will end on Friday, January 15, 2016.
Wreaths will not be collected for chipping either at Public Works compound, or curbside. Discarded wreaths are to be placed curbside with residential trash on the scheduled collection day. For information please call 992-4500.