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10/4/2017 - Public Meeting Notice: French, State and Exchange St Utility Project


The City of Bangor and the Bangor Water District will be installing new sewer main, new storm drain, new catch basins and sanitary manholes, service laterals, new water main, hydrants, and services along approximately 1,000 linear feet on French Street, and all appurtenances, along with rebuilding the roadway and sidewalks and other incidental work. The project also includes installing new sewer main, new storm drain, new catch basins and sanitary manholes, service laterals, new water main, hydrants, and services, and new communication conduit along approximately 900 linear feet on State and Exchange Street, along with removing and resetting curbing, bricks, trench paving, surface restoration, and other incidental work.

During construction of the new water piping, it will be necessary to shut down existing water mains in order to complete portions of the work, resulting in service interruptions. When a water service interruption affecting your property is scheduled, you will be notified at least 48 hours in advance – either by telephone or with a notice hung on the building’s front door. Water outages will typically last between four and six hours, unless unforeseen circumstances arise. If there are extraordinary circumstances related to your building such that an outage of four to six hours or longer would cause an unmanageable hardship, please contact the District Engineer for the Bangor Water District at 207-947-4516 x 440 as soon as possible.

The construction is scheduled to begin in the middle of October 2017 and continue into the Fall of 2018. During periods of construction, traffic will be detoured.

The City of Bangor and the Bangor Water District would like to invite you to attend a public meeting for the French, State and Exchange Street Utility Upgrades Project at:

City of Bangor
73 Harlow Street
Council Chambers, Third Floor
October 4, 2017 @ 6:00 p.m.